Creative solution-ator, dog mom, horse girl, typography nerd, empanada enthusiast, English major, classic Taurus.
I started my journey as a creative by writing and illustrating my own books as a kid. The genre mostly centered around foxes, unicorns, and a weird crush I had on my 2nd grade teacher.
A bit later I started my professional career in advertising as a designer & art director but have always seen myself as an idea person and creative collaborator above all else. I’ve worked agency side and brand side. I’ve also worked at Chuck E. Cheese... but that’s a story for another day (and maybe a drink).
My approach to creative work is to analyze it as a human first, consumer second, and then as a marketer. I love going deep into strategy, data, and nitty gritty details—but never want to lose sight of the big picture.
Drop me a line if you would like to discuss the following topics: breakfast burritos, the Real Housewives, ghost encounters, vintage Saabs, or making cool stuff together. | Los Angeles, CA
I started my journey as a creative by writing and illustrating my own books as a kid. The genre mostly centered around foxes, unicorns, and a weird crush I had on my 2nd grade teacher.
A bit later I started my professional career in advertising as a designer & art director but have always seen myself as an idea person and creative collaborator above all else. I’ve worked agency side and brand side. I’ve also worked at Chuck E. Cheese... but that’s a story for another day (and maybe a drink).
My approach to creative work is to analyze it as a human first, consumer second, and then as a marketer. I love going deep into strategy, data, and nitty gritty details—but never want to lose sight of the big picture.
Drop me a line if you would like to discuss the following topics: breakfast burritos, the Real Housewives, ghost encounters, vintage Saabs, or making cool stuff together. | Los Angeles, CA